Posts Tagged ‘moose in velvet’

What We Missed

We are currently in our home town to celebrate several life cycle events with children, grandchildren and friends.  While we are away, our webcams caught this early morning visitor running up our driveway.  It looks like he was heading for the front door.  Ironically if we had been home we would have probably missed him altogether, since our webcams would have been turned off and at 6 a.m. we were unlikely to have been next to the window.

(Postscript 6/16/2016: when we returned to Maine we found the moose had tried to wander into our orchard, got caught on the fencing, and dragged a fence post and wire 15′ until he could get untangled.   Fortunately only a small branch on one of my apple trees was damaged.)

A bull moose in velvet trots up our driveway

A bull moose in velvet trots up our driveway


